Dream Eater is a 2024 Canadian found footage horror film written and directed by Alex Lee Williams, Jay Drakulic, and Mallory Drumm. After her partner injures himself during a bout of parasomnia, filmmaker Mallory (Mallory Drumm) takes her boyfriend, Alex (Alex Lee Williams), to an isolated cabin in the Laurentian mountains to document his behavior.

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Girl Internet Show: A Kati Kelli Mixtape is a curated mix tape of the work of one Kati Kelli, a YouTube content creator who tragically passed away in 2019 due to complications with ongoing health issues. The film also includes Kelli’s first and final short film, “Total Body Removal Surgery.” With a mix of surreal

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In the aftermath of the Omega Pandemic, a devastating global catastrophe that has turned citizens into zombie-like monsters, a teenager named Salvador has become the caretaker of his younger siblings, Oliver and Benjamin. With limited supplies, the family hunts and eats whatever they can find. However, unable to let go of the past, they have

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The audience meets Ozzie Gray at a turning point in her life, dealing with her past trauma through an upbringing with a grandmother, Dorothy Bell, who was violent towards her and scorned by the public for acts of arson that led to the death of others. However, Ozzie holds onto the fonder memories of her

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Anx and Cass are on opposite ends of the scale when it comes to personality. Anx is overly cautious while Cass grabs life by the balls and makes the most of every moment. After a night together, the two begin a slightly distant relationship, but when a bizarre pandemic breaks out that causes people to meld

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A prequel to the 1968 horror masterpiece, Roman Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby, Natalie Erika James Apartment 7a takes place up just before Rosemary Woodhouse moves into the infamous Bramford. Apartment 7A instead follows Terry Gionoffrio (Julia Garner) an aspiring dancer/actor whose career takes a drastic turn when a nasty fall damages her ankle and turns her to persona

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Poster for the Dark Comedy Crumb Catcher

Weddings can be stressful; add in a drunken blowjob for the groom from a vindictive stranger and an obnoxious employee overstepping social boundaries, and, for couple Shane and Leah, it is a nightmare. The follow-up ‘perfect’ honeymoon, full of arguments about money, career, and family disrespect (never disrespecting family), is already a drag. However, when

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Mind Body Spirit (2024) cover

Anya, an aspiring yoga influencer, decides to take on her grandmother’s regime for ‘good health’ after finding her notes in a secret room of her house where she is currently staying. However, as she aims to connect with her heritage, she soon finds that there is something sinister to the words, and she unwittingly invites

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In the tradition of pseudo-local-TV broadcasts like Ghostwatch and WNUF Halloween Special, homegrown horror heads to N.Ireland in Dominic O’Neill’s Haunted Ulster Live. Set in 1998, TV newscaster Gerry Burns teams up with an aspiring children’s broadcaster to offer viewers a spooky Halloween special for the local network. They investigate a haunting at home, and

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Look-Loo film review

Almost entirely free of dialogue, Looky-loo (2025) gives viewers the view from a killer’s own eyes as he stalks and plans multiple murders. The nameless killer, gains confidence with each successful murder, finding more violent and extreme ways to take out his victims. Yet, the more bravado he has, the closer he comes to being

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