Like the saying that “lightning doesn’t strike twice,” it’s rare that a sequel will attain the same level of admiration from fans as the original. However, there is another saying that goes “when you assume you make an ass out of you and me,” and there have been a number of sequels that have not

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Most notable for playing Trish in cult 80s slasher The Slumber Party Massacre, Michele Michaels is an American actress and writer born in Orange, California. Landing her first acting role in Amateur Night at the Dixie Bar and Grill (1979), Michele went on to act in New Year’s Evil (1980), Death Wish 4: The Crackdown

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Bringing you more found footage and POV horror than you can shake a stick at, Unnamed Footage Festival is back at it once again with an incredible lineup for 2023. Along with a whole host of feature-length productions from all over the globe, a number of shorter films will be screened to accompany their bigger

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Compared to the last few years of veritable stagnation in the film industry, this current year has a considerable treasure trove for film fans around the world. Boasting some of the most unique and original ideas to be released in years, the industry looks to be back in full swing after suffering from severe difficulties

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Dick Dale is an Australian writer/director/producer with a strong focus on video nasties and splatter films. Dick is most notable for directing the short dark comedy Creamy Love (2001) and the upcoming splatter horror Ribspreader (2022). Excited about his upcoming release, we decided to reach out to Dick and ask him some questions we were

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Gary Gerani is a professional fiction/non-fiction writer and film critic from Brooklyn, New York. As a screenwriter, he is best known for creating and co-authoring the screenplay for Stan Winston’s Pumpkinhead (1988), a cult horror film starring Lance Henriksen that has spawned three sequels as well as won several Oscars. Besides screenwriting, Gary has 35

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They Look Like People review

They Look Like People will likely terrify anyone who’s ever gotten nervous on the subway, when a passing glance starts to turn into a prolonged stare. It’s a repressively claustrophobic experience that’s uncomfortably relatable and stands next to films like Primer, which manage to accomplish quite a bit on a small budget. Christian (Evan Dumouchel)

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Food often plays a special role in horror, whether it is as a gross-out, a sentient adversary to be tackled, or the means by which a virus or alien mind control is disseminated. That’s why the team at Grimoire of Horror has compiled our list of the scariest and most influential food in horror movies,

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We are always on the lookout for the best free to stream horror and cult films. There are plenty of services that provide this service while still giving back to the industry. This also comes with its own challenges when you look between different regions, and while there are free services that exist, it is

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Oh, the level of alleged and legitimate prestige Dreamcatcher boasts – directed and co-scripted by Lawrence Kasdan (Body Heat) with the help of William Goldman (Marathon Man) from a novel by Stephen King and featuring Morgan Freeman, Thomas Jane, Damian Lewis, Timothy Olyphant and Jason Lee. The early aughts were a glorious time to be

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