READER WARNING: Ghosts starring in this review may contain an excessive amount of exploding glitter. Konnichiwa! Bonjour! What’s the story, bud!? Straight Outta Kanto here, bringing you a big fat oozing slice of bonkers Thai horror that will keep you in suspense – AND suspenders. I know in this current global climate, hospitals are the
Author: Straight Outta Kanto
Straight Outta Kanto is the nerdy nom de plume of international horror-shock musician, illustrator and radio personality Venus de Vilo.
Straight Outta Kanto is a podcast and review blog dedicated to bringing it's audience the warped and weirdest in nerd culture, nightmare fuel and 90s/00s nostalgia.
Champion of the Shurikon 2018 Pokémon League competition, certified VGC Dragon Gym Leader and CEO of Pokémon Fan Club Ireland, Straight Outta Kanto is an unapologetic otaku and psychotic J-Horror fanatic.