Interspecies Reviewers is a Japanese fantasy sex comedy manga series written by Amahara and illustrated by masha. The series was originally published online through Nico Nico Seiga’s manga website Dragon Dragon Age in 2016. Amahara is best known as the writer behind such manga as Heion Sedai no Idaten-tachi, Teisou Gyakuten Sekai, and 33-sai Dokushin
Erotic Manga
Earlier this year Seven Seas Entertainment announced the launch of a new imprint, called Steamship, “dedicated to sexy romance for women, with manga in the genres of shojo, josei, Teens’ Love, and beyond.” Steamship kicked off with the June release of Outbride: Beauty and the Beasts, and wowie—what a kick-off! Outbride is a reverse harem
Manga Diary of a Male Porn Star is an autobiographical account of Kaeruno Erefante’s time in the AV industry. The manga follows Kaeruno’s time from being a cock on screen or an extra on a groper train, into a full-fledged ‘actor’, using an adorable little frog as his stand-in (“Why are you a frog?” “Because
Handsome Usahara Kunio has no shortage of women falling for him, as a competent career man with a well-tuned physique, all his coworkers are left wondering; why is this catch still single? Truthfully, Usahara is not looking for a quick fling, instead, he is looking to find a soulmate to build a life with. Complicating
Life is hard for an aspiring pop idol who can’t hold a tune, so thankfully Misora Haebaru has two massive assets that give her a leg up on the competition; her karate skills and intimidating bust size. After falling under seedy management and thrust into an AV video where she has to fight off 100