August Underground’s Penance is a 2007 extreme found footage horror film, written and directed by Fred Vogel, with additional writing from Allen Peters and Cristie Whiles. The film is the final entry in the August Underground Trilogy, consisting of August Underground and August Underground’s Mordum, and the seventh film produced by ToeTag Pictures. Bonded by

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Lost Cos poster

Are You a Hero, Or a Villain? “Flesh, flash, and fantasy” are the themes of Broadway producer Robin de Levita’s directorial debut film, Lost Cos (2023). It follows the story of Eni (Evgeniya Radilova), a dental assistant who is traumatized by the loss of her girlfriend Lia and trying to come to terms with her

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Medium-Sized Horror Bites From BITS 2023 We are thrilled to be reviewing features and shorts for the Blood In The Snow film festival again this year, and offer here our thoughts on the Mournful Mediums, the closing day lineup of short films presented in theatre on Saturday, November 24, 2023. BITS is one of Canada’s

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Tales from the Rez is a captivating look into the ghost stories of the Blackfoot Nation, presented in a format that’s instantly familiar to lovers of horror anthologies! Director Trevor Solway worked with Blackfoot Nation Films to bring to life the stories he heard growing up on a Native Canadian reserve. These ghost stories, overheard

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Finders F*ckin’ Keepers! Calling all low-budget sci-fi/horror comedy cinephiles! Do you enjoy scouring Tubi and YouTube for the most bizarre films to binge and brag about watching? Then, oh boy, do we have a winner for you! The Hyperborean (2023) has it all, and then some! It’s classed as a comedy sci-fi on IMDb, but

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Romi 2023

Romi is a 2023 Canadian sci-fi horror, written by Susie Moloney, and directed by Robert Cuffley. Susie is most notable as a writer on the TV shows Blackstone (2015), and Fear Thy Neighbor (2016), as well as on the feature-length film Bright Hill Road (2020). Robert is known for directing features such as Eyes for

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Tetromantic: 61 - Scorecard Killer (2021)

Tetromaniac: 61 – Scorecard Killer is a 2023 Italian extreme horror, written and directed by Domiziano Cristopharo and Poison Rouge. Domiziano is known as the writer and director of such films as Bloody Sin (2011), and The Transparent Woman (2015). Whereas Poison Rouge is known for directing American Guinea Pig: Sacrifice (2016), and 7 Sins

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Bloody Sin 2011 Cover photo

Bloody Sin is a 2011 English-language Italian extreme horror film, written and directed by Domiziano Cristopharo, with additional writing from Jay Disney and Filippo Santaniello. Being particularly well-known in the Italian extreme horror scene, Domiziano is known as the creator of such films as House of Flesh Mannequins (2009), Red Krokodil (2012), and Virus: Extreme

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Dont look away cover

It Doesn’t Breathe…It Doesn’t Move…It Just Kills Don’t Look Away (2023) is the story of Frankie (Kelly Bastard) and her possible descent into madness after she accidentally strikes and kills a truck driver who is fleeing a carjacking on her drive home from campus late at night. After the accident, she sees something unnatural standing

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