Deadgirl (2008) is an American extreme horror film written by Trent Haaga and directed by Marcel Sarmiento and Gadi Harel. Beginning his directing career with It’s Better to Be Wanted for Murder Than Not to Be Wanted at All (2003), Marcel went on to direct multiple feature-length titles as well as worked on the anthology

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If you’re familiar with the name Ryuhei Kitamura, you are most likely familiar with either the beloved zombie action flick Versus (2000), the exquisite jidaigeki (period drama) Azumi (2003), the explosive kaiju epic Godzilla: Final Wars (2004), or, my personal favorite, the genre-bending supernatural action flick Sky High (2002). In fact, it is very likely

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Widely accepted as “the scariest film of all time”, William Friedkin’s The Exorcist (1973) has stood the test of time and will probably be talked about until the very end of it. Whether or not you agree that the film is indeed the scariest of all time, it has still managed to cement its reputation

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“Snoop Dogg’s least favourite film” – IMDB August Underground’s Mordum is a 2003 American found-footage extreme horror film, written and directed by Jerami Cruise, Killjoy, Michael Todd Schneider, Fred Vogel, and Cristie Whiles. The film is the second entry in the notorious August Underground trilogy, also consisting of August Underground (2001), and the final film

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H.P. Lovecraft's The Old Ones (2023) Cover Photo

H.P. Lovecraft’s The Old Ones is a 2023 splatter/cosmic horror film, written and directed by Chad Ferrin. Known for his over-the-top special effects, Ferrin is the creative mind behind Pig Killer (2022), Night Caller (2021), and Scalper (2023) to name but a few recent releases. The film is an amalgam of the short stories of

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Every year horror fans are inundated with a slew of holiday-themed horror, with a select few becoming instant classics. Even at Fantastic Fest, where we caught There’s Something in The Barn, it was not the only holiday-themed horror film in the line-up (Check out our review of The Uncle). However, many of these films fall

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Mushrooms (2023), Written and directed by Paweł Borowski

Mushrooms, originally known as Grzyby, is a Polish 2023 mystery thriller, written and directed by Paweł Borowski. Beginning his directorial career with the short animated comedy Love Gamestation (2001), Paweł continued to write and direct the short film Kocham cie (2003), as well as the feature-length titles Zero (2009), and I Am Lying Now (2019).

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Tammy lives a regular teenage life, with an overbearing bible-thumping mother-in-law who hates filth and a father who would do anything for her daughter, whether it be beheading a donkey that got an erection at her birthday party or having her walk over his face in stilettos. You know, standard family stuff. However, Tammy’s awakening

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Fishmonger is a 2023 Irish supernatural horror comedy, written and directed by Neil Ferron with additional writing from Alexandra Dennis-Renner. Not his first time behind the camera, Neil is known as the writer and director of the short films Hoof (2020), and Sausages (2020). Whereas Alexandra has worked as a writer and director on the

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Leading into the build-up of the release of Pet Sematary Bloodlines, viewers had reasons to be cautiously optimistic about the project after the success of Paramount breathing new life into the Hellraiser franchise with the 2022 film Hellraiser from director David Bruckner. With the Pet Sematary franchise in similar disarray before its release, with an

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