Pareidolia is a 2023 short horror film directed by Aaron Truss, whose previous work includes the wonderful full-length documentary Cult of VHS (2022). Amazingly, this newest project was brought to life through crowd-funding, once again showcasing Truss’ love of and deep roots in the genre. The story follows a university lecturer, Sinead Chambers, who thinks

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Good Boy is a 2022 Norwegian horror thriller written and directed by Viljar Bøe. This isn’t Viljar’s first time behind the camera; he also wrote and directed the mystery thriller Til Freddy (2020) and Theodor. Christian seems to live a life of luxury, whilst residing in a beautiful house and eating exquisite food without having any job to

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My attraction to horror movies goes deeper than enjoying the dopamine rush that comes from a well-made, scary film. Horror movies can broaden our horizons by introducing audiences to new people and places, inspiring us to learn and grow as individuals. Therefore, the work of Alice Maio Mackay, a teenage writer and director, is worth

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Raging Grace outlines the exploitation and fetishisation of undocumented immigrants whilst simultaneously celebrating distinctive Filipino traditions and cultural heritage. Paris Zarcilla’s incisive directorial debut follows single mother Joy as she struggles to work two underpaid jobs to provide for her daughter Grace. The heart of Raging Grace lies in Maxene Eigenmann’s nuanced portrayal of Joy.

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The Glenarma Tapes (2023) cover

The Glenarma Tapes is a 2023 Northern Irish found footage horror film, written and directed by Tony Devlin with additional writing from Paul Kennedy. Although the film presents itself as a found footage film, it arguably could have benefitted from a different approach. Nevertheless, it’s a commendable debut from an emerging director whose prowess in

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Thorns (2023) is an American sci-fi horror, written and directed by Douglas Schulze. Well-versed behind the camera, Douglas is most known as the writer/director of such films as Hellmaster (1992), The Rain (2009), and The Dark Below (2015); having worked with some respectable members of the acting community including David Carridine and John Saxton, to

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Minoire (2023)

Minore is a 2023 Greek sci-fi horror comedy, written and directed by Konstantinos Koutsoliotas, with additional writing from Elizabeth E. Schuch. Although mostly known as a visual effects artist who has worked on dozens of large projects, Konstantinos is also notable as the writer/director of the fantasy drama The Winter (2013) and fantasy thriller The

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Black Mold 2023

Black Mold is a 2023 American psychological horror film, written and directed by John Pata. The film stars Agnes Albright and Andrew Bailes as two Urbex photographers, Brooke and Tanner, who are on an exploration tour of abandoned houses on the outskirts of Milwaukee, looking to get some shots. Despite this, these buildings are just

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Here for Blood 2022

Here for Blood (2022) truly lives up to its name, catering to those with an insatiable appetite for wicked and outrageous carnage. Yet, beneath this tongue-in-cheek horror, resides a familiar trope that functions so effectively, that it will compel you to reconsider your love-and-hate affinity for campy horror productions. Director Daniel Turres undoubtedly possesses the

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The Breach is a 2022 Canadian cosmic horror, written by Nick Cutter and Ian Weir, and directed by Rodrigo Gudiño. The film is based on the novel The Troop, originally penned by Nick Cutter. Rodrigo Gudiño is best known as the founding editor and publisher of the online review site, Rue Morgue, created all the

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