Scalper (2023) is an upcoming slasher horror film, written and directed by Chad Ferrin. Chad is mostly known as the creative mind behind Parasites (2016), The Deep Ones (2020), and Pig Killer (2022). The film is a direct continuation of Chad’s previous film Night Caller (2021), featuring many of the same cast members returning in

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The film It (2017) surprised me. In fact, I saw it five times due to how much I enjoyed it! Unlike a majority of modern horror films, it focused more on story and character development rather than cheap jump scares and overused horror mechanics. This is why I am breaking this review into two: the

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La Petite Mort II: Nasty Tapes is a 2014 splatter horror film, written and directed by Marcel Walz with additional writing from Annika Strauss. The film is a continuation of the gory horror thriller La Petite Mort (2009), also written and directed by Marcel Walz (check out our review of the first film here). The

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Island of Death (Ta Paidia Tou Diavolou) is a 1976 exploitation horror film written and directed by Nico Mastorakis. Most notable as the founder and owner of independent film studio Omega Pictures and Omega Entertainment, Nico is well-versed in film production, writing, and directing with over 40 different features such as Death Has Blue Eyes

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The original electrifying Evil Dead burst onto the horror scene in 1981 and wrapped its spindly tendrils around the throat of passionate horror fans worldwide, keeping us on the edge of our seats and our hearts racing. Since then, the franchise hasn’t given up steam and has continued to prove its deserved stake in the

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Canadian director and writer Brandon Cronenberg’s third film, Infinity Pool, is a critically well-received, bewildering film that lends itself to widespread interpretation. Many reviewers discuss its timely, global topics such as criticism of class systems and wealth inequality, the negative consequences of tourism, and the risks of self-indulgence. On a smaller, personal scale, Infinity Pool

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One of the crowning glories of the horror film genre is how much can be done with so little. From budget to effects to characters, indie horror films prove time and time again that ingenuity and vision make for great fright, not a crowded screen and a high budget (although it can be magic when

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The Night Stalker

Nightmare Radio, Where Horror Stories Never End From the producers of The 100 Candles Game (2020) and The Red Book Ritual (2022),  Nightmare Radio: The Night Stalker (2023) is a collection of award-winning shorts, woven into a horrific new anthology that will command your attention from start to finish. Candy (Paula Brasca) is the edgy host

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Vampires, the mythical beings that exist between the living and the dead, serve as versatile and useful metaphors for examining the puzzling concerns of life. Themes of dysfunctional families, suppressed sexuality, and addiction course through the veins of many vampiric narratives. Perhaps because they exist in the liminal space between the two spheres of existence,

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When it was announced that the Scream franchise would be returning last year, after laying dormant for 11 years, the news was met with a mixture of excitement and hesitation. It would of course be the first entry to not be helmed by the late, great Wes Craven, one of the driving forces behind the

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