M3GAN banner

  In the Fall of 2022, the horror movie community got a jolt when the trailer for director Gerard Johnstone’s and screenwriter Akela Cooper’s sci-fi/horror film, M3GAN, dropped. The trailer’s creepy, dancing doll, at once recognizable both as human-shaped and unhuman in its weird movements and affectless face, became a viral sensation. M3GAN is more

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White Noise 2022

  Life is a Train Wreck In the final days of 2022, most of us were looking toward 2023 with hearts full of hope, and faith that the moment those glittery balls dropped around the world, we would finally be free of the hellscape our lives have become. The new year couldn’t possibly be as

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Mad Heid Banner

“Yodel me this!” – Heidi Long before home media and even longer before video streaming, the only way to see original movies was to go to the theater. Most theaters concentrated on showing popular content, movies made for their wide box-office appeal from major film studios.  Despite the rare “art house” cinemas, the other alternative

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The Waiting

Take a group of unhappy people, add a ghost, and plenty of bad life advice, and the result may look something like F. C. Rabbath’s 2020 film, The Waiting. Billed as a horror romantic comedy, The Waiting tries to be many things yet masters of none.  Eric Brady, a new hotel employee, stumbles upon an

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With more CGI and prosthetics than you could shake a silver-tipped stick at, Grimmfest’s 2022 Monsters and Movies festival was a roaring success! Manchester’s Odeon Cinema became the focus of the two-day event which saw eight film screenings (including two premieres), accompanied by panel talks on the films and film industry, and a signing event

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Compared to the last few years of veritable stagnation in the film industry, this current year has a considerable treasure trove for film fans around the world. Boasting some of the most unique and original ideas to be released in years, the industry looks to be back in full swing after suffering from severe difficulties

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Christmas Bloody Christmas

Christmas Bloody Christmas is an over-the-top slay ride of holiday cheer fear! Writer and director Joe Begos (VFW, Bliss) always delivers a combination of good storytelling and delirious, gory violence to audiences.  Digging deep into genres like horror, science fiction, and heavy metal music, each one of his films is unique in content.  Viewers can

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Due to the oversaturation of the genre, you are bound to come across many zombie films you know nothing about beyond containing some form of undead. Sadly, these entries in the genre are often marked by a mundanity or a quick turn of the buck (much like ‘shark’ films) where creativity and ingenuity seem absent.

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La Petite Mort 2009 Unearthed Films

La Petite Mort is a 2009 German splatter horror, written and directed by Marcel Walz with additional writing from Martin Hentschel. With a large filmography, Marcel Walz is most notable for the 2016 remake of Herschell Gordon Lewis’s classic 60s gore film Blood Feast, the horror comedy Avantgarde (2010), and the slasher horror Pretty Boy

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The Last Horror Movie is a 2003 British found footage horror mockumentary, written by James Handel and directed by Julian Richards. Beginning his career with the award-winning shorts Pirates (1987), Queen Sacrifice (1988), and Bad Company (1992); Julian later moved on to feature-length productions such as Darklands (1996) and Daddies Girl (2018) to name a

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