The Ritual Analysis

Until c.1080 CE, the Temple of Uppsala stood tall and proud outside Gamla Uppsala, Sweden. The temple served as a place of worship and community dedicated to pagan deities such as Thor, Odin, and Freyr. By the eleventh century, however, religious civil war had pitted Christians against pagans with Christianity emerging as the victor. Christian

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The Spine of Night 2021 cover photo

The Spine of Night (2021) is an ultra-violent, animated dark fantasy horror, written and directed by Philip Gelatt and Morgan Galen King. Following the history of a land that never was, this bloody tale observes an ambitious young man as he steals forbidden knowledge from a sacred plant and his descent into its darker temptations.

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Open Grave banner

What’s Happening on the 18th? Imagine waking up outside in the dead of night, and it’s pitch black except for brief flashes of lightning in the distance.  Your body is painfully stiff; you’ve been there for quite a while. The ground below you feels wrong, it’s too pliable, it’s squishy, and you hear the faint

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Welcome to Raccoon City is very different in style from the Resident Evil movies featuring Milla Jovovich. While also live-action, it embraces a very different feel and quality, though is also exceptionally fun. If you’re in it for something to shut your brain off, roll with it, and embrace the chaos, you will have an

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London After Midnight Lost Film

The era of silent and pre-code horror was different. In the interim between the invention of the film and the implementation of the Production Code (in 1934), films had little oversight or censorship. They often depicted extreme violence, sexually graphic content, homosexuality, and things otherwise deemed “vulgar” by the Production Code Administration. Unfortunately, many of

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“Today is not a day to be scared of madness.”                                                          -Luis Virus-32, an exciting, new entry to the crowded field of zombie movies, has arrived from South America and is currently streaming on Shudder. In this Uruguayan movie, the zombies become catatonic for 32 seconds after a killing, allowing the survivors a brief window to

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Landlocked 2021 film review

I was fortunate to experience the 5th Unnamed Footage Festival Virtual edition, hosted shortly after their 5th in-theater festival which showcased some of the best new Found Footage horror films alongside a selection of classic gems. As a new festgoer to the UFF experience, I was uncertain what to experience from the night of curated

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A group of unconnected strangers wakes up in a mysterious field filled with rotting crops as well as no small number of deadly traps. Who, or what, has brought them here, and for what purpose? The items left on their unconscious bodies may hold answers if they can just work out what to do with

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Faye Movie Review

KD Amond and Sarah Zanotti’s Faye might be the must-watch indie horror of the year. Shot on an iPhone with a total crew of five people, almost entirely built around Zanotti’s go-for-broke performance, Faye is a one-of-a-kind tale of grief, a masterclass in overcoming budgetary restrictions, a deeply terrifying psychological horror, and another confirmation of

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