No one is prepared for the sixth installment of the Senritsu Kaiki films. Koji Shiraishi, a consistently ambitious director, has made the found footage genre his playground, and we’re fortunate he has carved his niche in this horror category. Senritsu Kaiki File Kowasugi! File 06: The Most Terrifying Movie in History! deliciously serves up ghosts,

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  Village of Doom is a 1983 Japanese period crime thriller, written by Bo Nishimura and Takuya Nishioka, and directed by Noboru Tanaka. Primarily working as a Roman Porno director under Nikkatsu Studios, Tanaka began his directorial career with the softcore drama Beads from a Petal (1972) and continued to make many classic pieces of

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Picking up after the vile incident of the fourth Senritsu Kaiki File, Kudo assembles his team once again to film paranormal activities and to… discover isekai? Yes, you heard that right. That’s just one of the surprises Senritsu Kaiki File Kowasugi! File 05: True Story of the Ghost of Yotsuya has in store. Koji Shiraishi,

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Baby Assassins: Nice Days is a 2024 Japanese action buddy comedy film, written and directed by Yugo Sakamoto. The film is the third installment of the Baby Assassins series of films, also written and directed by Saksmoto. Whilst on vacation in Miyazaki, Japan, Chisato, and Mahiro’s downtime is interrupted when tasked with eliminating a target.

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Ghost Killer (2024) cover photo

Ghost Killer is a 2024 Japanese action crime film written by Yugo Sakamoto and directed by Kensuke Sonomura. Sonomura is mostly known for his work as a stuntman, stunt coordinator, and stunt director in movies, TV series, and video games. This film is Sonomura’s third directorial work, having previously directed Hydra (2019) and Bad City

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The femme fatale is one of the most compelling and enduring archetypes in film history, captivating audiences with their blend of beauty, mystery, and danger. These enigmatic women are uniquely able to manipulate and charm, often leading men to their downfall through a potent mix of seduction and deceit. Their complex characters frequently subvert traditional

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Best Wishes to All, also known as Mina ni sachi are, is a 2023 Japanese horror film, written and directed by Yuta Shimotsu. An up-and-coming writer/director, Shimotsu is known as the creator of the short this film is based on, Best Wishes to All (2022), which won Kadokawa’s 2022 Japan Horror Film Competition. A young

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If you ask a Western horror fan, they can probably tell you exactly when they first heard about Hideo Nakata’s cult classic Ringu (1998). Whether it was due to the release of Gore Verbinski’s remake in 2002 or because a rundown copy of the original was passed along between friends, at some point almost all

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Leon Tolstoy once wrote, “Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” While tragic, this notion works wonders in the horror and thriller genre. In fiction, the messier the family, the better the movie. It might not always succeed, but it certainly does in Toshikazu Nagae’s film Saiko! The

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