Puella Magi Suzune Magica is a 3-volume dark fantasy/psychological thriller manga, with the original story written by Magica Quartet and illustrated by GAN. Magica Quartet is a collaborative group consisting of director Akiyuki Shinbou, writer Gen Urobuchi, original character designer Ume Aoki, and producer Atsuhiro Iwakami. Unlike most manga, the first volume was released as

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What This World is Made Of Vol 1 Manga cover

Note: This review covers Volume 1 What This World is Made Of is a three-volume psychological action mystery manga, written and illustrated by legendary mangaka Shin Yamamoto. Having created a number of popular manga such as the action-adventure Narakunoadu (2015), and period action manga Sekiro Side-Story: Hanbei the Undying (2019), Yamamoto also worked as an

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Chloe Love is a struggling actress, best known for playing Ghost Reaper Girl, the main character of a cult horror movie about a high schooler in a blood-soaked bathing suit hunting down evil spirits. These days though she is mostly playing dead bodies, and at 28 she isn’t getting any younger. A former street orphan

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Wonder House of Horrors

Collecting 10 stories of the macabre from Miyako Cojima, Wonder House of Horrors marks an impressive introduction of the mangaka to the West. Across the varied stories, Cojima distorts the obsessions of her victims where desires for beauty, popularity, and romance are distorted in perverse ways. Sprinkled with gore and dark humor, Wonder House of

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Many people may be aware of the name Issei Sagawa as well as the sickening crime he committed in France, in 1981 but many may not be aware of Sagawa’s self-produced manga set around his heinous crimes. The Japanese-born student studying abroad in Paris, Issei Sagawa invited Dutch-born student, Renée Hartevelt, to his apartment for

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At the tender age of four, Kanako Inuki was handed a shiny new five-yen coin. Promising the same allowance each month, her mother took her to a bookstore and let her choose a manga magazine. Inuki considered a series by Masako Watanabe, but the pull of Kazuo Umezz proved impossible to resist. Despite scaring easily,

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There is something about bad media that can be extremely attractive in some cases. Why The Room is still revered while The Exorcist II is panned? This fine line between so-good-it-is-bad and please-kill-it-with-fire-bad is still baffling. Maybe because we have always tried to make sense of this oddity, we end up being drawn to absolute

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ptsd radio

Recently, disturbing news regarding Masaaki Nakayama, a horror manga author known for his manga Fuan no Tane (2013), has been circulating online. According to many social media posts, he has stopped working in his most recent work to “stay alive”. Dramatic as it sounds, even some relatively reliable sources have been echoing this information as

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“Four people intent on killing themselves meet through the suicide website Black Paradox: Maruso, a nurse who despairs about the future; Taburo, a man who is tortured by his doppelganger; Pii-tan, an engineer with his own robot clone; and Baracchi, a woman who agonizes about the birthmark on her face. They wander together in search

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Drip Drip

Whenever Mako Higari comes in contact with something she perceives as dirty, she gets a massive nosebleed. Brought on by severe childhood trauma from her mother’s distrust of men and fear of germs, Mako grows into an adult desperate to find a partner who will not trigger her violently excessive nosebleeds. However, her obsession with

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