Chuck Wendig’s Black River Orchard (2023) is a truly modern, small-town horror, evoking the best of Stephen King while summoning dark, twisted, and disturbing imagery that makes this story genuinely terrifying to read. Set in Harrow, Pennsylvania, the Black River Orchard mostly follows the father-and-daughter team of Dan and Calla Paxson. Obsessed with restoring his

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With a dark dream in his heart, Richard Chizmar started Cemetery Dance Publications in 1988. In the decades to follow, Mr. Chizmar has published countless works as well as made his own mark as an author. From working with Stephen King on the Gwendy trilogy to his bestselling Boogeyman books, fans have eagerly awaited his

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Making up for lost time, here I am again with another edition of Recent Reads. For this round, it’s absolutely unintentional but I ended up reading some horror with cool LGBTQ+ representation. I just wish I’d posted this sooner so it could’ve come out on time for Pride Month! Oh, well. Perhaps these reads may

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Daemon Manx

Hey  Mike Flanagan, we’ve found your next big project! New indie horror authors are crawling out of the woodwork every week, and just like indie films, their products are hit and miss. It doesn’t matter how many stars they get; in a post-pandemic world, there is a reader/viewer for everyone. Occasionally, though, a real star

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In the early 2000s, the horror market was saturated with films of all types as directors looked to find the next big thing. What would horror look like in the new millennium? What were people afraid of now that Y2K had passed without so much as a hiccup? Would rapidly advancing technology aid in the

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Harleigh Beck’s 2023 novel Sinister Legacy came highly recommended as the go-to title in horror erotica, a strange subgenre that is not quite dark romance and not quite pure horror. It ventures into the perilous intersection of erotica and horror, weaving a captivating narrative that will leave readers both aroused and unnerved, often at the

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Preston Allen’s 2024 novel, I Disappeared Them is a riveting exploration of human complexity, blending elements of mystery, psychological depth, and societal commentary into a compelling narrative. It evokes disgust and rage from the reader, but also at times empathy and a sense of relatability as we struggle to answer the age-old question of nature

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What sorts of things go bump in the night? What monstrous things come to feast upon your flesh and bone? Are they real or imagined, and in the end does it really matter? Jeani Rector and Dean H. Wild bring us an exciting anthology of horror stories, featuring both tried and true masters of the

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Another day, another round of Recent Reads, eh, GoH readers? For this one, I’ve got a decent variety, I think. For this one, we went to space and maybe time-traveled a bit, went into a Fulci-esque experience, and finally, explored the horrors of conversion therapy. Metro 7 Street by Matthew J. Hellscream (ISBN 9781496049186) Okay,

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Hello, GoH peeps! Dustin here with another edition of Recent Reads coming your way. I’ve got a bit of variety here for you with these three books that I’ve covered. Rest assured, that they have their own distinct flavor to them but they all have some bite.  Unbortion by Rowland Bercy, Jr. I miss reading more schlocky

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