Leo Falcão’s feature film debut Subject (Sujeito Oculto) is a rare genre offering that transcends its format and offers a meditative study of the power of storytelling and life among mythical beings. Best described as a meta-existentialist, bizarrely-funny yet realist multiple-character study, benefiting from tons of writerly insight and details to please book-lovers and fans of
Tag: brazilian cinema
I’m no stranger to films about sentient cars. I probably watched The Love Bug no fewer than 563 times as a kid and my grandfather always had on reruns of Knight Rider when I would go visit. So the idea of a car that has a mind of its own wasn’t foreign to me, but
There is probably no better place to start discussing Yakuza Princess than with its setting of Sao Paulo, Brazil. As the film quickly points out in its introduction, Sao Paulo has the largest concentration of individuals of Japanese descent outside of Japan. Centered around the Japanese community in the Liberdade neighborhood, there are estimated to