Featured in JFFH (Japanese Film Fest Hamburg), One Cut in the Life is a poignant drama written, produced, and directed by Shintaro Hachi- a relatively unknown, up-and-coming filmmaker. He stated, “I would like to show my own determination regarding violent events of all sizes that I encounter in my daily life, and with the goal
Tag: Cult Cinema
Part of the JFFH (Japan Film Fest Hamburg) 2021 line-up, Kenya Okuba’s Cosmetic DNA was a title that instantly caught my attention with the flashy trailer promising a techno-laden, neon-drenched tale of bloody vengeance. However, you can only tease so much in a quick-cut trailer for a two-hour-long film, so I went in with high
Winterbeast. Holy shit. Winterbeast. That’s about the quickest summation I can give of the feeling one has while watching this treat of regional filmmaking. It remains the sole creation of the film’s writer/director Christopher Thies and is a marvel of independent filmmaking that’s sure to excite fans of schlock cinema and the truly weird. For