Tapes of Death Collection

Tapes of Death Collection is an assemblage of gore/extreme horror short films compiled into four separate anthology films—Nekrology, Dark Mixtape, Snuff Video, and Tapes of Death—created by Tony Newton. Tony is a well-known British film producer, director, and screenwriter, known for Grindsploitation: The Movie, 60 Seconds to Die, and 60 Seconds 2 Die, as well

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Mas Carnaza (1997) Tetro Video limited edition slipcover

Mas Carnaza is a 1997 Spanish splatter horror short, written and directed by Sergio Blasco. No stranger behind the camera, Sergio is known for also writing and directing the shorts Burrp! (1996), and Litio: Lithium (2014), as well as the TV movie Belcebu: Diablos Lesbos (2005). Manolo, a dangerous psychopath, kills his therapist and makes

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The generally agreed definition of a snuff film is a real (not staged) filmed murder. In some cases, it is viewed for the purpose of arousal. However, this is somewhat incorrect, as by this definition, any video depicting the death of a person, purposeful or accidental, can fall under this moniker depending on the viewer.

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August Underground is a 2001 extreme found footage film, written and directed by Fred Vogel with additional writing from Allen Peters. The film was produced by TOETAG Pictures with effects from TOETAG SFX, whose formation was retroactive after the creation of August Underground and its first sequel August Underground’s Mordum. In 2006, the two companies

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Known for his recent, boundary-pushing entries in the extreme cinema genre, Jonathan Doe is a writer/director/producer most notable for his Erotic Grotesque Nonsense series of films, including Barf Bunny (2021), The Degenerates (2021), and Defilement of a Porcelain Doll (2022), which explore a whole host of different paraphilia in a bold and unflinching manner. Jonathan

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Erotic Grotesque Nonsense 2: The Degenerates (2021)

The Degenerates is a 2021 extreme found footage horror film, written and directed by Jonathan Doe and produced under Vile Video Productions. The film is the second entry to Jonathan’s Erotic Grotesque Nonsense series, consisting of Barf Bunny (2021), and Defilement of a Porcelain Doll (2022). What seems like a candid video of a couple

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Disclaimer: Film contains animal abuse Calamity of Snakes (Ren she da zhan) is a 1983 Hong Kong/Taiwanese CAT III action horror, written and directed by Chi Chang with additional writing from Kang-Nien Li and Kuo Jung Tsai. According to Chinese superstition, there are five main “Poisons” (hazardous creatures) in the animal kingdom that bring evil,

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Sorgoi Prakov (also known as Descent into Darkness, My European Nightmare) is a 2013 French found-footage horror film written and directed by Rafaël Cherkaski, with additional writing from Quentin Boeton and Simon-Pierre Boireau. While this was the first writing and directing credit for Rafaël, he later went on to write and direct a segment for the

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Sadomasochism (noun) : the derivation of sexual gratification from the infliction of physical pain or humiliation either on another person or on oneself. The term “sadism” has its origin in the name of the Marquis de Sade (1740–1814), who not only practiced sexual sadism but also wrote novels about these practices, of which the best known is

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Invitation Only (Jue ming pai dui) is a 2009 Taiwanese extreme horror, written by Sung In and Carolyn Lin and directed by Kevin Ko as his first feature-length film. Kevin is best known as the director behind the recent hit supernatural found footage horror Incantation (2022), whereas Carolyn and Sung only have this work in

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