Be My Cat: A Film For Anne 2015 Cover Photo

When the found footage genre came to be in the late 90s, the cinematic technique was hailed as an inventive, tenable new perspective on horror that was great for budgetary restraints. Although, since then, the genre has become clichéd and stale, titles often disregard the realism aspect that made the films popular to begin with.

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Body Horror Anime of the 80s & 90s Cover Photo

When it comes to horror subgenres, body horror is, by far, the most impressive visually – the loss of bodily autonomy in the most horrendous and intimate way. As such, this element is incredibly strenuous to effectively pull off in live-action cinema, usually requiring both a large budget and tremendously skilled special effects teams to

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Being a subjective genre, horror, much like its fans, is incredibly varied compared to other genres in film. From solid scares, slow-burning tension or just a general spooky atmosphere, there are a lot of things that can be grouped together under the horror umbrella. But, for those that require something a little more unyielding in

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Over the years of watching cinema, we have all experienced something so shocking, so horrifying that it has stuck with us long after the fact, permanently burnt into our memories. Whether it was a scary movie seen at far too young of an age or something so visually intense that was mentally overwhelming, we have

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The Unburried Film Review

Alejandro Cohen Arazi’s debut film The Unburied, was selected as part of the 2021 FrightFest lineup. Offering up a dive into a world of the occult built up through generations of carrying out grim tasks, the production seemed an ideal deviation into extreme cinema in the stellar 2021 selection of films. What is it About?

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Celebrating Japanese cult cinema, the Japan Film Fest Hamburg is gearing up for its 2021 season running from August 18th to September 1st. What has got us so excited for this one? Well the festival boasts a wide array of films from the Japanese underground, including titles that you are unlikely to see anywhere else.

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May Chan's Daily Life Film Review

The early days of film exploration were pretty wild, with the advent of VHS and early online access creating a community of people pushing filth. Consequently, certain films became a badge of honor in the continual search to one-up others and prove your mettle among the dregs – always scraping the bottom to see what

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Butchers 2020 horror film review

As a proud Canadian (at least when it comes to the world of cinema), I always find myself interested in horror coming from the ‘great north’. As Cinephiles from the region will be quick to tell you, there are certain nuances that often point to something being Can-con that would go over the heads of

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Italian Giallo cinema holds a special place among horror fans and cinephiles alike, myself included. Consequently, anytime a production tries to harken back to the era of black glove wielding killers, there is always appeal and hope to capture the stylized violence of that era. Enter, Nightmare Symphony written by the Italian screenwriter Antonio Tentori

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Skin Striperess Movie

Here’s another trashy offering from Hong Kong! You know, as a fan of Asian cinema, there are days when my cinema fix can only be satiated by truly thought-provoking high art; the kind of fare that challenges core values and provokes a strong emotional response. You know, the type of films spoken of in hushed,

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