Super-Dimensional Love Gun is a 2017 ero-guro horror manga, written and illustrated by world-renowned mangaka Shintaro Kago. The manga collection of 15 short tales based around the mangaka’s distinct style of “Fashionable Paranoia” penned over the course of the illustrious career of one of the masters of modern-day ero-guro. Despite being well-versed in the creation
Tag: Extreme Manga
Ero-guro manga is often known for telling stories in the bleakest way possible. Among all the blood, violence, and adult content, it is hard to find any hope for the characters involved. Hiroaki Samura’s Bradherley’s Coach is no exception. As in much other manga of this kind, pre-teen girls get the short end of the
Every anime-inclined teen’s worst nightmare is to have their parents find their secret stash. Imagine that not only your parent finds some rather questionable content, but decides to write to a politician about it. Furthermore, this politician decides to use the manga discovered in your room to lead a nationwide crusade against its author. What
Taking place after the bloody conflict in The Princess of the Never-Ending Castle, “Twelve Sisters” (shortened for sake of sanity) takes another trip to the mind-bending world of branching realities at war with one another. The abstract concept of a feudal castle growing into the sky and branching off into other realities may seem like
The vampire sub-genre in the West is one that is marked dull media with the odd standout title slipping through – the creatures seldom seeing reinvention or popularity of their other undead counterparts (zombies). However, I have found a fondness for the bloodsuckers throughout the pages of manga (currently collecting Cirque Du Freak omnibus editions
How can one not be drawn in by the vague title and a colorful cover art showing a smiling girl surrounded by blood alongside cute items? Honestly, sometimes it is just simple as this when looking for the next horror manga to do a deep dive into. Admittedly, I knew nothing about mangaka Miu Miura