
When the first V/H/S film was initially released in 2012, its impact on the horror community was immediately felt, creating shocking scenarios presented in intimate detail through the found footage format. This led to two follow-up films, both varied in success, that further consolidated the prowess. After a short break after the ill-received V/H/S Viral,

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This is GWAR Review

How many of you have been to a GWAR show? If you haven’t, I bet you know someone who has and I can guarantee you that person has some stories they would love to tell you about. Even if you don’t listen to heavy metal, or rock and roll, you’ve probably even heard of GWAR

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Glasshouse Film Review

Post-apocalyptic films after a pandemic certainly seem poised to hit their stride, with the horror genre acting as a cathartic release from modern day anxieties. Enter Glasshouse, the debut from South African filmmaker Kelsey Egan, which has the potential to become a modern classic with how it expertly explores a modern dread in a pandemic-conscious

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Baby Assassins Film Review

I didn’t really have a whole lot going during my high school years. I went to class and did stupid hijinks with my friends, but I mostly just watched movies and played video games. I guess when I write it out… that’s pretty much exactly what I do now, almost fifteen years later. Who says

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Agnes Film Review

When I saw the poster for Agnes, I was really hoping it was going to be a Nunspolitation film, because man, those need to make a comeback. Spoiler, it isn’t nunsploitation. Anges is a story about a nun who lives in a very secluded convent that starts having violent outbursts leading her sisters to believe

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Let The Wrong One In Film Review

Horror comedy is such a subjective film genre. Hell, comedy in general is tough enough because what’s funny to me might be completely boring to you. So how do you tread into that territory with horror? I think the key factor here is the intention behind the movie. There are a ton of the “so

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After Blue Film Review

“My name is Roxy, but the village girls call me toxic” After explaining how womankind found themselves alone in the land known as ‘After Blue’, we meet Roxy whose introduction of herself sets the tone of the film – a woman pushed to the outskirts of her own society, uniquely a single-sex one. What follows

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