Eyes of Fire Review

The seminal American folk horror film Eyes on Fire has been unavailable on home video for decades. Thankfully, the good people at Severin Films has given the title a 4k restoration overseen faithfully by the director Avery Crounse; an interesting inclusion in the 2021 Fantastic Fest line-up so people can see it on the big

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The Reckoning Review 2020

RevBarely a year after Neil Marshall’s first big-budget Hollywood feature, Hellboy (2019), failed to earn him a box office success, he has returned to his horror roots with the much anticipated The Reckoning. The failures and behind-the-scenes drama of Hellboy became pretty public as critics and viewers hung it out to dry and I was

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ROH AKA Soul Film Review Malaysian Horror

The modern age of cinema is a wonderful thing, for all of the collective conscience cooing for anything nostalgia soaked we are lucky to have access to film from around the world – the ability to access unique stories and narratives. While film may have always been an international affair thanks to festivals and specialty

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With the latest Higurashi series wrapped up as of just last week, it’s time for a spoiler-filled review for the fans that want to dissect the heart (and other organs) of the most recent entry. Consider yourselves warned. Gou (translated as New) took us and the franchise into very new territory with its twenty-four episodes.

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For those who haven’t read, watched, or played any of the Higurashi franchise, it is based upon a visual novel series by Riyukishi07. All of the stories are set up in question and answer arcs. The four question arcs are presented first, followed by the four answer arcs, so that whichever media you experience, you

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