La Petite Mort II: Nasty Tapes is a 2014 splatter horror film, written and directed by Marcel Walz with additional writing from Annika Strauss. The film is a continuation of the gory horror thriller La Petite Mort (2009), also written and directed by Marcel Walz (check out our review of the first film here). The
Tag: German Horror
La Petite Mort is a 2009 German splatter horror, written and directed by Marcel Walz with additional writing from Martin Hentschel. With a large filmography, Marcel Walz is most notable for the 2016 remake of Herschell Gordon Lewis’s classic 60s gore film Blood Feast, the horror comedy Avantgarde (2010), and the slasher horror Pretty Boy
Johanna is just twenty years old but struggling with her boring and aimless existence. Disturbing visions start the day she gets fired from her job. Soon Johanna is carried off into a different world beneath the city where people live in a parallel universe full of darkness and magic rituals. The denizens of this world