Old (2019)

M. Night Shyamalan’s Latest is Mediocre Old (2021) is an existential story about a beautifully secluded beach surrounded by rocks that will kill you, eventually. M. Night Shyamalan’s newest release features an ensemble cast vacationing at a tropical resort while sorting through personal issues and illnesses. Guy and Prisca Cappa (Gael Garcia Bernal and Vicky

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Disgraced YouTube stars are a dime a dozen, as it is pretty damn easy to become a ‘persona-non-grata’ in this day and age. The disposable nature of online fame has created a whole sub-genre of people that are easy to despise–their attempts at redemption likely to serve to keep them in the spotlight of mockery.

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Open Grave banner

What’s Happening on the 18th? Imagine waking up outside in the dead of night, and it’s pitch black except for brief flashes of lightning in the distance.  Your body is painfully stiff; you’ve been there for quite a while. The ground below you feels wrong, it’s too pliable, it’s squishy, and you hear the faint

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Dog Soldiers Film Review

Plenty of film enthusiasm is oriented toward the Universal Monsters; from Dracula to the Invisible Man, these otherworldly creatures bear diverse frights that reflect man’s primal fears or the horrors of being humans. This innate profundity from the monster films allowed us to connect with them. And with our yearning for them, the devils fueled

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Subject 2022

Leo Falcão’s feature film debut Subject (Sujeito Oculto) is a rare genre offering that transcends its format and offers a meditative study of the power of storytelling and life among mythical beings. Best described as a meta-existentialist, bizarrely-funny yet realist multiple-character study, benefiting from tons of writerly insight and details to please book-lovers and fans of

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Coffin House

Like the rest of the world, Hong Kong is slap bang in the middle of a housing crisis. With apartment sizes plummeting while prices skyrocket, some are forced into spaces no bigger than 20 square feet, paying up to $500,000 for a space where stretching your limbs out is a luxury. Conversely, Hong Kong also

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Deadware 2021 cover photo Unnamed Footage Festival

Deadware is a 2021 American-found footage horror, written and directed by Isaac Rodriguez. Mostly known for directing horror shorts such as We All Fall Down (2011) and Russian Doll (2019). In addition, Rodriguez has created a number of feature-length productions including Unknown Visitor (2019) and Last Radio Call (2022) in addition to Deadware. “In 1999,

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Broadcast Signal INtrusion

There are very few horror movies that linger in the brain well after viewing, like fine wine on the tongue, dragging your thoughts back over and over to replay it with perplexing clarity. My favorite type of horror movies of this nature are the ones that either require acute focus to unravel “what is happening,”

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Cherry Falls

1996’s Scream was a game-changer for the slasher genre. By playing with well-established conventions, the movie directly engaged the audience in a conversation about what they were watching and toyed with their expectations. This self-aware approach rejuvenated the slasher for critics and public alike, summoning a tidal wave of copycat films. This meta approach became

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Just the facts ma’am. Or so one might expect the detective keeping vigil outside of the house in a rumpled raincoat to ask. He chews on his obligatory cigar and sips at his obligatory coffee that we will presume has gone cold. Nothing that the Lutz family does, whether it be George chopping firewood on

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