The Horror of Salazar House (originally titled The Enigma of Salazar House) is a 2020 Gothic, Italian horror-inspired haunted house game with 1-bit pixel art graphics and rotoscope animated cut-scenes, created by Chilean developer Ignacio Maldonado, also known as Maldo19, and released by Torture Star Video—a production subsidiary of American independent game developers Puppet Combo.

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Night at the Gates of Hell cover photo

Night at the Gates of Hell (2022) is a survival zombie horror game, developed by Jordan King and Henry Hoare, and published by Torture Star Video – a production company run by American independent game developers Puppet Combo. This isn’t Jordan (Also going by the developer name Black Eyed Priest), and Henry’s first foray into

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While Project Zero Maiden of Black Water has recently been ported to modern consoles with new content, I’d like to celebrate it by sharing a personal list of the ghosts in the Fatal Frame/Project Zero series that I found the scariest and most memorable. Being one of the most representative series of the J-horror wave,

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Authentic, genuine portrayals of love are difficult to come by on-screen. Almost as difficult to find as a visual novel without the usual anime-adjacent conventions. Like a good horror movie with its chopping heads and flying limbs, a good romance will feature all the acts that we understand as “falling in love” – the meeting,

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Evil Dead The Game Review

Evil Dead is a cult franchise in every sense of the idea – a variety of divergent media in the realm of comics, games, and merchandise; all humbly originating from a simple premise of a few films: a man sadistically tormented by demonic forces until he’s barking mad. The Evil Dead fans are fanatical for

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Vampire Survivors Start Screen

Released in December 2021, Vampire Survivors is a retro-style roguelike role-playing bullet hell video game that takes inspiration from the Castlevania series, developed and published single-handedly by indie developer Luca Galante for the PC. The objective is a relatively straightforward concept: survive for thirty minutes. However, you will soon find this task is not as

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Spirit Hunter Shinrei Horror J-Horror

Today I’d like to talk to you about the visual novel series, Spirit Hunter, known in Japan as Shinrei Horror (心霊ホラー), a series that seems to have passed many by, but is definitely worth your consideration. The first game, Death Mark, was initially released in 2017 and an English translation was released a year later.

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Death Trash Cover Photo

Previously announced at E3 PC gaming showcase, Death Trash is a unique mix of Eldritch body horror, cyberpunk aesthetics and old school gaming that got me pretty excited when watching. Death Trash is an isometric, pixel art action RPG with strong influence from the work of H.P. Lovecraft and Clive Barker. “Humankind travelled to the

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Cover Photo

With E3’s first full online event coming to a close, we thought we would do a quick rundown of the treasure trove of horror games under development and set for release across the upcoming 2021/2022 period.  There were a plethora of horror themed videogames being advertised, from Triple A studios to small indie dev teams

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Dusk cover image

  Due to the current climate in the gaming market, I have become bored with most triple-A game titles. With many being released in an unplayable state, requiring ‘Day One’ patches before the game is even accessible and controversy after controversy from game studios becoming all the more common. As a result, I found myself

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