In the early 2000s, anime experienced a surge in popularity among Western audiences, marking a peculiar time for anime fans. However, as this unique form of animation gained mainstream attention, it also found itself under the scrutiny of moral panic enthusiasts. One particular target of this concern was the popular card game Yu-Gi-Oh. In 2003,
Tag: Japanese Deep Dive
Hi fellow weirdos! This is Javi again, researching for you to bring you another interesting bit of Japanese media. We have previously discussed the term “Denpa,” which, according to, is a Japanese term for individuals who are disconnected or disassociated from the people around them. In the world of Visual Novels, Denpa serves as
When we picture samurai warriors, images of honor, discipline, and fierce sword battles come to mind. However, there is a hidden and often overlooked aspect of samurai culture that was both peculiar and, at times, downright vulgar. Prepare to delve into the obscure world of ancient samurai fart battles, where warriors engaged in bizarre contests
Hello, fellow weirdos! Today, we are delving into the Kowai Shashin, a purportedly cursed Japanese video game with a fascinating marketing strategy that incorporates urban legends and exploits the naivety of early 2000s consumers. The team behind Kowai Shashin understood the need to differentiate their generic horror game in an oversaturated market. To achieve this,
Welcome, fellow weirdos, to another captivating exploration of Japanese culture. Prepare yourselves for a spine-chilling journey as we delve into a tale filled with possessed dolls, ancient curses, and the enigmatic realm of lost media. Brace yourselves, for this combination is bound to send shivers down your spine. You may already be familiar with the
Hi fellow weirdos! Today we are discussing an obscure controversy that actually changed the whole Japanese adult video game industry. Dubbed “The Saori Incident” in the press, this 1991 affair involved a sexy computer game, a delinquent and hormonal junior high school student, and the literal creation of an ethical regulation organization. What’s this game
Hi fellow weirdos! Javi here with some baffling internet phenomenon born in Japan I think we can all agree that almost anything on the internet is sacred. The anonymity that it brings probably gives people more leisure room to be an edgier version of themselves that they would not show in a million years in
Imagine yourself 12 years ago. You are an anime and manga fan who now has even more access to your favorite shows than ever before thanks to internet massification. Things seem to be looking up, but suddenly you get bombarded by a virtual headline like this “JAPAN IS BANNING MANGA TO PROTECT CHILDREN”. At first,
Hanatarash, or Hanatarashi, are a two-piece noise band from Osaka, Japan. Composed of vocalist, visual artist Yamantaka Eye and guitarist Mitsuru Tabata, the band focused on the obscure music genres of Japanoise, industrial, and advant-punk. Hanatarash was well known in the live music scene for their ridiculous and, quite frankly, dangerous live performances that have