Kuon, developed by FromSoftware, is an atmospheric survival horror game released for the PlayStation 2 in 2004. Set in the Heian period of Japan, the game presents a gripping, eerie narrative revolving around ancient rituals, cursed mansions, and the supernatural. The story is primarily told through the perspectives of Utsuki and Sakuya, two women entangled
Tag: Japanese videogames
Hi fellow weirdos! Javi here again with another curious Japanese videogame of the early 90s. For those familiar with the fantastically oneiric LSD: Dream Emulator game, the Osamu Sato name may ring a bell. Born in 1960, this digital artist and composer have a knack for creating, both visual and musical psychedelic aesthetics. One of
Hello, fellow weirdos! Today, we are delving into the Kowai Shashin, a purportedly cursed Japanese video game with a fascinating marketing strategy that incorporates urban legends and exploits the naivety of early 2000s consumers. The team behind Kowai Shashin understood the need to differentiate their generic horror game in an oversaturated market. To achieve this,
Hi fellow weirdos! Today we are discussing an obscure controversy that actually changed the whole Japanese adult video game industry. Dubbed “The Saori Incident” in the press, this 1991 affair involved a sexy computer game, a delinquent and hormonal junior high school student, and the literal creation of an ethical regulation organization. What’s this game
Even after all these years, Serial Experiments Lain remains a cult-classic anime for many. With only 13 episodes and a ton of unanswered questions, fans still want something more of this story to fill the void somehow. Probably, if you are in that position, the chance of revisiting the world of Lain Iwakura in a
LSD Dream Emulator is a PlayStation video game released in 1998 by Asmik Ace Entertainment, based on an MS-DOS program created in 1992 by Osamu Sato. Basically, the game consists of exploring a surrealistic dream world, where the player explores various dreamscapes and interacts with various objects. Despite its PS1 limitations and overall obscurity, a
Gregory Horror Show is a 2003 Japanese mystery survival horror, developed by Capcom and released on PS2 in Japan and in Europe a few months later. The game is based on the dark CG anime of the same name, created by Naomi Iwata Gregory Horror Show puts players into a role as themselves, as they