As streaming services diversify and begin to overtake traditional forms of media, horror has always seemed to be an afterthought when it comes to film acquisition. Often opting for the same few staples of the horror genre as well as poorly made, low-budget titles that rarely seem to hit the mark when it comes to

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Top TV Shows of 2021 Cover Photo

Horror television shows are having a special resurgence in an era of lockdowns perfect for sedentary binging – production values have also been drastically amplified as these start to resemble mainstream movies; cinematography, star power, and SFX are all bountiful along with competent. The focus, too, has increased as these become ‘mini-series’ to contain a

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Ax Wound Film Festival Banner

The Ax Wound Film Festival is a horror fest featuring works by female and non-binary filmmakers. In December 2021, with the help of the Future Of Film Is Female initiative, they showcased a collection of ten short films from 2021 Alumni (the collection is still available to rent here). From the quality of these shorts

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21 Emerging Horror Directors

One constant from horror movies made in the last decade is that most features come from first-time directors – emerging, fresh voices. Even horror auteurs were, at one time, first-time directors. Here at the Grimoire of Horror, we have scoured the internet, watched a lot of modern horror films, and have been on the lookout

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Top 40 films of 2021 cover photo

2021 was an exciting year for us here at the Grimoire, marking our first full year of providing extensive coverage. The page was able to check out some of the biggest film festivals in the world, allowing us to check out many films in advance of their domestic release.  We decided to take a look

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VHS Horror Franchise Ranking

When looking at the found footage genre, there are many titles that people say were influential in bringing them into the fandom. Often, people point to films like The Blair Witch Project or Paranormal Activity, both of which became a sort of cultural phenomenon. Personally, where my love of the genre started was in the

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Japanese Monster Slashers

It’s Halloween and I therefore decided to do a recap of horror-related tropes or subgenres in Japanese entertainment! An obvious choice, taking up a fair amount of the genre landscape, are slashers – something much less associated to Japanese cinema. Now, clearly, Japan has no shortage of iconic slasher movies: …However, as my core interest

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As fall approaches, it’s the perfect time to slow down, grab a cup of tea or spiced coffee, a cozy blanket, and settle in with a good read. There aren’t as many expectations to be active, and as Spooky Season approaches, what better way is there to set the atmosphere than with an unsettling read?

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Best Fog and Mist in Horror

What exactly is fog and mist you may ask? Certainly we see it, but can we really touch it? I am not sure, but defines fog as a cloudlike mass or layer of minute water droplets or ice crystals near the surface of the earth, appreciably reducing visibility. Mist,  on the other hand, is

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You’d be forgiven, dear reader, for being incredulous at something as childish as Pokémon appearing on our page. Yes, yes. Straight Outta Kanto can imagine what you’re thinking. Pokémon is for kids! It isn’t scary! Or is it? Consider this, oh noble reader: Pokémon are in essence beasts. Beasts whose design and biological make-up are

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