Ceroboh (aka The Screaming Sky) is a 2022 Malaysian sci-fi thriller, directed by Feisal Azizuddin. Mostly known for directing shorts, Feisal made his move into feature-length directing the drama thriller Kabus as well as Ceroboh in the same year. Written by Chong Keng Fatt, the script was the winning entry out of hundreds entered in
Tag: Malaysian Horror
Set to screen at the 2021 Fantasia Film Festival, Story of a Southern Islet rests as Malaysia’s only entry into the prestigious festival. Having found myself intently interested on the new wave of horror films coming out of the region, I was excited for a chance to get Ket Aun Chong’s debut film, particularly off his
Zombie-driven horror seems to be making a fierce comeback to the movie circuit lately. When one thinks about zombies, the words “apocalypse” and “chaos” instantly come to mind. Most well-executed zombie movies include hidden metaphors about our society and political landscape, as well as the effects of negative human behavior. The living undead that lack
Hello Spookies! Class is in session again. Today we are going to dapple in a Malaysian found footage horror movie called IRUL: Ghost Hotel. Full disclosure, I don’t know very much about Malaysian culture. So, I will have to do a lot of research with this film. But from first glance, this is a pretty
“The reunion of two sisters after one of them has just been released from a mental institution is marred when a stay at their abandoned childhood home threatens to reveal a dark family secret.” Two Sisters is the type of horror film that shows its audience how the art of subtlety can create the most
The modern age of cinema is a wonderful thing, for all of the collective conscience cooing for anything nostalgia soaked we are lucky to have access to film from around the world – the ability to access unique stories and narratives. While film may have always been an international affair thanks to festivals and specialty