Our creature today goes by many names and has equally as many aspects describing it. A creature of strange design and often terrifying behaviors, a Kappa (河童 , river-child), also known as kawatarō (川太郎, “river-boy”), komahiki (駒引, horse-puller), kawatora (川虎, river-tiger) or suiko (水虎, water-tiger) are strange humanoid demons that reside in or near water.

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Harionago (針女子) also known as Harionna ( 針女) is a very dangerous yōkai that wanders darkened streets, alleyways, and roads at night, looking for unsuspecting victims to attack. It is unknown if the Harionago is a single entity, that roams all of Japan, or if there are multiple spirits that become Harionago, but in every

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