Kuon, developed by FromSoftware, is an atmospheric survival horror game released for the PlayStation 2 in 2004. Set in the Heian period of Japan, the game presents a gripping, eerie narrative revolving around ancient rituals, cursed mansions, and the supernatural. The story is primarily told through the perspectives of Utsuki and Sakuya, two women entangled

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GOHOME 2020 video game suzuka ichimatsu

Several years ago, a small Japanese third-person horror game known as GOHOME started to make waves in the Let’s Play YouTube community. Created by the VTuber known as Itimatu Ichimatsu as a free game in 2019 to much acclaim and redesigned into a much grander scale in 2020, the story is set in a residential

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Christmas Massacre is a 2021 seasonal-themed stealth slasher, developed and published by Puppet Combo and Vague Scenario LLC. The game takes inspiration from the gore-drenched horror films of the 70s and 80s such as the Silent Night, Deadly Night series, Black Christmas (1974), and Christmas Evil (1980) to name a few. Christmas is coming and

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After Spending 20+ hours with Alien Isolation, I can say that it’s one of the best modern horror games in a long while, from its Gameplay to its sound design: almost everything here is a great example of what makes a horror game. Let’s start with the story, shall we? Our main Heroine is Amanda

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Bramble: The Mountain King Game

Bramble: The Mountain King is a single-player adventure platformer video game, developed on the Unreal 4 engine by Swedish game developer Dimfrost Studio and published under Merge Studio. Dimfrost Studio is known for previously creating the story exploration game A Writer and His Daughter (2017); Bramble: The Mountain King is only the second game to

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LSD Dream Emulator is a PlayStation video game released in 1998 by Asmik Ace Entertainment, based on an MS-DOS program created in 1992 by Osamu Sato. Basically, the game consists of exploring a surrealistic dream world, where the player explores various dreamscapes and interacts with various objects. Despite its PS1 limitations and overall obscurity, a

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Saiko no Sutoka (Hepburn: Psycho Stalker) is a survival horror game created by independent Indonesian developer Habupain for PC. The story follows a teenage schoolboy named Akira as he finds himself trapped inside his school with his recent ex-girlfriend—a murderous yandere girl named Saiko-chan—as she tries to apprehend and kill the player. The main objective

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Berserk and the Band of the Hawk, known in Japan as Berserk Musou, is a 2017 hack & slash Musou game developed by Omega Force and published by Koei Tecmo for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, and Microsoft Windows. This isn’t the first time Berserk has seen a video game adaptation, with Sword of

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The sixth-generation era of video games is often regarded as the pinnacle of survival horror, having granted us titles such as Silent Hill 2, Fatal Frame, Forbidden Siren, and the more obscure but sometimes equally adored Ku-On. These games were perhaps just as seminal in bringing a newfound fan base to Japanese horror as the

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Dusk cover image

  Due to the current climate in the gaming market, I have become bored with most triple-A game titles. With many being released in an unplayable state, requiring ‘Day One’ patches before the game is even accessible and controversy after controversy from game studios becoming all the more common. As a result, I found myself

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