They Look Like People will likely terrify anyone who’s ever gotten nervous on the subway, when a passing glance starts to turn into a prolonged stare. It’s a repressively claustrophobic experience that’s uncomfortably relatable and stands next to films like Primer, which manage to accomplish quite a bit on a small budget. Christian (Evan Dumouchel)
Tag: Vinegar Syndrome
Resurfaced from the depths of the 80’s, Devil Story is an idyllic pick for 2021 Fantastic Fest, courtesy of the good folks at Vinegar Syndrome. A showcase of inept filmmaking, the utter mess of a film will certainly delight fans of trash cinema. Essentially, Devil Story is a particularly special type of polished disaster, clawing
Winterbeast. Holy shit. Winterbeast. That’s about the quickest summation I can give of the feeling one has while watching this treat of regional filmmaking. It remains the sole creation of the film’s writer/director Christopher Thies and is a marvel of independent filmmaking that’s sure to excite fans of schlock cinema and the truly weird. For