Puella Magi Suzune Magica is a 3-volume dark fantasy/psychological thriller manga, with the original story written by Magica Quartet and illustrated by GAN. Magica Quartet is a collaborative group consisting of director Akiyuki Shinbou, writer Gen Urobuchi, original character designer Ume Aoki, and producer Atsuhiro Iwakami. Unlike most manga, the first volume was released as

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What This World is Made Of Vol 1 Manga cover

Note: This review covers Volume 1 What This World is Made Of is a three-volume psychological action mystery manga, written and illustrated by legendary mangaka Shin Yamamoto. Having created a number of popular manga such as the action-adventure Narakunoadu (2015), and period action manga Sekiro Side-Story: Hanbei the Undying (2019), Yamamoto also worked as an

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Fox Tales (Kitsune no Hanashi) is a Japanese compendium of short horror stories: “Fox Tales”, “The Dragon in the Fruit”, “Phantom”, and “The Water God” penned from the mind of Tomihiko Morimi and published in English by Yen Press. Morimi is most notable as the author of The Eccentric Family, Penguin Highway, The Night is

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Ken Niimura is a Spanish-Japanese artist who employs a simplified, endearing style to share three stories in this volume of the taboo. Taking inspiration from the Japanese tales he heard as a child, such as Urashima Taro and The Crane Wife, he uses each to dig into the questions he had behind the story. What

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Sadako at the End of the World balances delicately between a cute slice-of-life story and a new entry into the Ring franchise that holds up as true canon. Featuring supervision by Koji Suzuki, the author of the original book series that started off all things Ring, Sadako at the End of the World explores what

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Konnichiwa! Howdy! Dia Duit! If a gruesomely drawn extremity horror with sick fan service based on a Creepypasta style urban legend with a deranged Gothic Lolita as the lead is your cup of tea then… Welcome! Welcome! Sit down, grab a seat and let Straight Outta Kanto pour you a steaming mug of undiluted nightmare

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