Back in 2008, Japanese filmmaker Yoshihiro Nishimura made a name for himself in the Extreme Cinema scene with the fervently adored Tokyo Gore Police, a science fiction splatter epic starring none other than Eihi Shiina of Audition fame as a sword-wielding heroine. While this wasn’t Nishimura’s directorial debut, (you can read our review for one
Tag: Yoshihiro Nishimura
One of the many perks of Blu-Ray re-releases is the granted ability to revisit a film that you otherwise might not have, or in some cases, the chance to check off a much-anticipated first-time-watch from your bucket list. When it comes to Meatball Machine, I fall into the former. In fact, if memory serves me
On occasion, fervent film fans will find a title that confers an unforgettable experience; one that may require an existing predilection. For me, Tokyo Gore Police is one of those titles. Having watched the red-band trailer numerous times before the film’s release, I expected to have already seen all of its best moments, but I